London duo Summer Camp are Elizabeth Sankey and Jeremy Warmsley.
They create twinkling, pristine pop which sounds as though it could have been discovered in a trunk in an attic, glinting and glittering like jewels at the bottom of the sea! I caught up with the band after their tour with Frankie and The Heartstrings. The bands EP 'Young' is out now on CD and Download, for more info check out
Elizabeth: UB40's Promises And Lies, for that banging track 'Red Red Wine'.
Jeremy: This really obscure post-punk compilation from South America
(lies, it was actually Three Lions by the Lightning Seeds).
2. Would love to work with...
There are so many people we would love to work with, Brian Wilson,
Steve Mackey, Quincy Jones, Burt Bacharach - anyone with a bit of
vision and something different going on.
3. People are surprised that we....
Don't speak any English.
4. Most proud of....
Each other. And our incredible ability to not vomit after saying lame things like that.
5. Film you wish you had been in....
Elizabeth: Annie Hall, just for a tiny cameo. Or even just the
opportunity to talk to Woody about his corduroy trousers.
Jeremy: The new Star Wars, so I could have sabotaged it.
6. Last gig you went to..
We've just been on tour with Frankie and The Heartstrings, and they
were brilliant every night. We last saw them in Nottingham after we'd
all eaten about three platefuls of chili. It was a fiery night.
7. Signature dance...
That one where the girl puts her hands on the boy's shoulders and his
on her waist, and they just sort of step from side to side avoiding
eye contact and hoping their parents aren't on the other side of the
gym watching them and smiling.
8. Favorite villain...
Elizabeth: Paul (Michael Pitt's character) in 'Funny Games'. He's so
remorselessly evil, but you can't help but like him. Maybe it's those
tennis whites.
Jeremy: Jar-Jar Binks.
9. Money or Sex?
We've never had sex, so we'll go for money.
10. Describe Summer Camp in 6 words....
As if we could do that!