Kurran and the Wolfnotes bring an unmistakable noughties twist to the alt-folk sound, with a playful hint of The Strokes complimenting the otherwise straight up trad-sound. I caught up with New Yorker Kurran Karbal to talk about dancing by himself and not f*cking it up!
The 5-piece, already with a single release under their belts and recent show-stopping performance at Latitude, plan to tour in September and will be announcing dates soon. In the meantime they are working on their debut album.
The 5-piece, already with a single release under their belts and recent show-stopping performance at Latitude, plan to tour in September and will be announcing dates soon. In the meantime they are working on their debut album.
1. You wouldn't know it but I'm very good at....golf.
I wanted to be a pro golfer when i was growing up, not a musician. But then i got interested in girls and golf wasn't getting me too far.
2. My favorite item of clothing is....
my beanie, cause i have a pea head and it widens it out.
3. If I wasn't working in music, I would be....
a tramp, cause its the only thing I can bring myself to actually work at
4. The best advice i ever received was...
you can't master any skill until you've trained, or practiced 10,000 hours.
5. I would most like to have lunch with...
John Goodman, I'm sure the food would kick ass.
6. The last record i bought was....
Keaton Henson 'Dear'
7. The last time i went dancing....
Last night at white heat on my own for alot of the time
8. My life in 6 words right now....
Kurran and the Wolfnotes eagerly awaited single ‘Your Four Limbs’ is out now! on Chess Club Records.